Our Project

Our project was in its intermediate phase where we only had to integrate our frontend and backend in order to have a consumer-ready dating app. We had a finished user auth handling feature connected within our frontend and backend. Over break, we’re going to work on completing this.

This is a picture of us presenting our project to Sean Yeung! 🤓👌 image


This program had a exercise tracker, exercise goals, a forum for people to share their goals and ideas, a fitness calendar, and fitness stats based on a per person basis. The entire goal of this program is to track a person’s fitness and help them reach their personal goals, as well as share with others their goals and achievements. All features are connected to an API hosted on AWS, where all of the data that the user inputs is sent and stored for future use when the page is reloaded.

Triple AJ Arcade

This program included a ping pong game, a reaction time game, a snake game, a game called hi-lo, where the user guesses a number, and a leaderboard for all of these games. The goal of this program was to create a place where people could have fun and be competitive with their friends. The program uses lists to store data in the API through networking between the Github Pages and the Flask API database.

Project Snake

This program had a snake game and a checkers game where people could play the games and could store their scores based on their user ids. The program used lists to store the data in the Flask API using networking between the API and Github Pages.

Project NASH

This program is an arcade game, which includes a snake game, wordle, a color game where you look for the slightly different colored square, and a trivia game. All of these games have their scores managed by Flask API, where the data is stored and called whenever it is needed. The data is stored in lists in a .db file.


In the ceramics exhibition I found an interestingly designed teapot with a mug. It was made to look like a small house and the cup looked like a flower. The colors on the pottery were very well made and the design looked very clean. image

Jazz Band

My team member, Ryan, performed in the jazz band which was going on at the same time as N@TM! It was awesome I love to see my developers prosper in fields outside of CS. image

Extra Credit