Tri 1

Term Definition
GitHub πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Code hosting service on the web
Markdown πŸ–‹οΈ Markup language for formatting plain text
Python 🐍 High-level object-oriented scripting language
Fastpages ⏩ Easy to use blogging platform with Jupyter Notebook implenetation
Repository πŸ“‚ Where code on GitHub is stored
Push/Pull πŸͺ’ Sending and recieving code to and from GitHub

Tri 2

Term Definition
Variables πŸ€ an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.
Data types 😩 type that which data is stored
Assignment operators πŸ™ What sets a variable to a value
Lists 🚨 Sequences of variables stored in the same sctructure
2D Lists 😎 LIsts within a list
Dictionaries 😁 Data structure that which stores keys and values
Boolean Expressions β™ŸοΈ True or false expressions
Iterations πŸ€“ Repetiion of a process
Characters πŸ’Œ Single characters
Strings 🧡 Collection of characters
Selection 🀏 Selectively choosing which code to run using boolean expressions
Comparison operators πŸ’€ >, <, ==, what is used to compare two values
For Loops 😳 Iteration for a set number of times
While Loops πŸ˜Άβ€πŸŒ«οΈ Iteration as long as a condition is false

🧠 Terms and Definitions for APCSP