CSP Textbook Notes
Big Idea 1: Creative Development
Computing innovations
Inspiration to create this shit is found everywhere😈😈😈
Constantly changing & improving
Applied in many other fields
Easier to do large num of tests
Con: does not account for all real-world variables
Health & medicine
Data analytics or smth
Hardware vs software
Physical components vs virtual instructions via programming lang
Computing innovation is about the software
Computing hardware has gotten smaller and more powerful over the years
Driverless vehicle software
Dual monitor programs for windows
Graphics card driver
Self-driving car
Graphics card
Helps people learn from each other
Diverse perspectives that avoid bias in computing development
For example, if the product is used by short and tall people, hiring only tall people to work on the product could bring bias; hiring both short and tall people brings new perspectives that may not have been achieved otherwise
Companies hire ppl who can code and have good collaboration skills
Effective collaboration can help one gain insight and knowledge by applying multiple perspectives, experiences, and skillsets
Collaboration is a learned skill
Includes communication, consensus building, conflict resolution, & negotiation
Collaboration can make others more self-aware
Matches weaknesses with someone elses strengths -> better product and new insight
Facilitates the solving of computational problems by applying multiple perspectives and skill sets
Combines different peoples resources. Talents & experiences
Not limited by location
Current computational tools allow people in diff physical locations to share data & info
How programs function
Program is often referred to as software
A collection of prgram statements that perform a specific task when run byt hte computer
Software is a set of instructions data or pgrams used to operate computers and execute specific tasks
Difficult to determine if a program works for every condition
Programmers can never have too many test cases
Logical errors demonstrate why collaboration si so important in programming
Common that a fresh set of eyes will be better than an entrenched programmer
A complex program can be described broadly by what it does
Keeping the program abstract helps the user focus on using the program instead of looking at the code
GUI is an example of abstraction, doesn’t show the user how it works
Program Input
This is data sent to a computer for processing by a program
Can come in multiple forms:
User interaction
Example of input/output
User says “hey phone” - triggers an event
The action that supplies input data to a program
Key press
Mouse click
Program is started
Anu other dewfinmed action taht affects the flow of execution
Development process
Can be ordered and intentional or exploratory in nature
A development process that is iterative requires refine ment and revisions based on feedback, testing, or reflection throughout the process, this may require revisiting earlier phases of the process
#1) investigating and reflecting ↡
#2 designing ↡
#3) prototyping ↡
#4) testing ↻
#1) due to location restrictions, there is a large need for an effective way of communicating with a team
#2) design the steps needed to develop the multiple algorithms that allow for certain functionalities such as video conferencing
#3) write the program
#4) Execute the program to find errors
This process will be repeated until an acceptable product is reached or the programmer just runs out of time
A development process that is incremental is one that breaks the problem ito smaller pieces and makes sure each piece works before adding it to the whole
A program rarely works on the first development and breaking it into smaller parts of the code reduces the debugging process
Once they work, add the small chunks of code together to form the bigger program
The DESIGN of a program incorporates investigations to determine its reqs
Most programs are for ppl not progs and to meet the needs of ppl, investigation mus tidentify the prgram constraints & the concerns and interested of people who will uise the program
Example of perfomraing investigation
Colecting data in surveys
User testing
Direct observations
Example of design phase
Planning and storyboarding
Organizing the program into modules and function components
Creating diagrams that represent the layouts of the user interface
Developing a testing strat for the program
Program Documentation
A written desc of the func of a code segment, event, procedure, or program and how it was developed
Helps in developing and maintaining correct programs when working individually or in collaborative programming envs
Progs should document a program throughout its development - helps them rember what they were thinking
Form of program docs written in otthj epgram that do not affect how the program runs
Do not affect run speed
Can be used to acknowledge code segments written by someone else
Should include the origin or authors name
Program Errors
Three types of errors can occur
Logic error
Mistake in the algorithm or program that causes it to behave incorrectly or unexpectedly
Syntax Error
Mistake in the program where the rules of hte programming lang are not followed
Runtime Error
Mistake in the program that occurs during the execution of a program
Prog langs define their own runtime errors
Big Idea 2: Data
Bits represent data
Shorthand for a single binary digit and is etierh 0 or 1
8 bits
0111 0011 - contains 1 byte and 8 bits
Binary sequences
Can be used to represent all digital data/Anything that can be stored on a computer can be repped as by bin. seqs.
variable length
Boolean logic
Lists & so on
Some data may take many bits to represent it
For example:
10 MP uses 10,000,000 pixels
1 pixel stores 6 bytes - 48 bits
MP is one billion pixels
This means that there are 8 bits * 6 bytes * 10m pixels - 480,000,000 bits in a single 10 MP picture.
(common for videos to use 1,00,000 bits/sec)
Bits are grouped to represent abstractions
& so on
Abstractions find common features to generalize the program
Helps to shrink code & reduces the chance of error
The programming language is an abstraction of machine code & makes it easier to do stuff like add nums
Analog vs digital data
Ananalog signal
has values that change smoothly over time, rather than in discrete intervals
Position of a sprinter during a race
Digital signals
An analog signal that has been broken up into steps
Analog data can closely approximate digital data using a sampling technique,
measuring values of the analog signal at regular intervals. The samples are measured to figure out the exact bits required to store each sample
(the use of digital data to approximate real-world analog data is an example of an abstraction)
Consequences of using bits to represent data
A variable is an abstraction inside of a program that can hold a value
Each variable had associated data storage that represents one value, or can hold multiple vals inside of a larger val
Integer: 4
Real Number: 4.00
Boolean: True False -
String: “Novak the third”
List: [1, 1, 35, 6]
Integers are most often represented by a fix number of bits
Limits the num range of int vals & math operations on such values
Surpassing this limit throws an overflow error
AP Lang DOES NOT have num size limit - size of representable ints is limited ONLY by the szie of the computer’s memory
Number Systems
Bin, decimal, & hexadec, are all used to represent and investigate digital data
Various Errors
Several diff types of erroos can occur:
Overflow Errors
In many programming langs, a fixed num of bits is used to rep characters or int limits
when the number of bits is not enough to represent the number
On a 4-bit computer (largest num is 1111 or 7dec)
Running smth like
Y = x++
Returns an overflow error cuz its too large heheheaw
Run-time errors
A mistake in a program that happens when the program is run
EX: Accessing undeclared vars
Roundoff errors
Occurs when decimals (real nums) are rounded, one comp might round to a diff place than another
EX: ⅓ = 0.3333333333333333333 on one comp OR ⅓ 0.3333 on a diff comp
Lossy and Lossless Data compressions
Reducing the size (number of bits) of transmitted or stored data
(fewer bits does not necessarily mean less info)
Digital data compression often involves trade-offs in quality versus storage reqs
Lossy Compression
Can significantly reduce the file size for storage and transmission
Trade-off is that u will not recover the original file & SOME data will always be lost
Used in sitch where minimizing transmission time & data size is important
Lossless Compression
Trade off is larger files that can be harder to store, transfer, and handle
Used in sitch where quality or ability to reconstruct the orig file is important
Information Extracted from Data
Computer programs can be used to process info & gain insight & knowledge
Info can include digital data such as
Geographic data
Premium data on social med sites based on usage
The collection of facts and patterns extracted from data
Gaining insight from the above valuable involves a combination of…
And problem solving
Large data sets may be analyzed computationally to reveal…
(can me bisinterpereted)
(May show correlation between vars, does not mean a relationship exists)
(additional research is needed to determine the exact nature)
The size of the data sets often affects the amount of info that can be extracted
A single source does often does not contain the data needed to draw a conclusion
Combining data from a variety of sources may be necessary to have a conclusion
Depending on how the data was collected, the info may not be uniform (varying from test case to test case)
Data sets pose challenges regardless of size:
The need to clean data
Makes the data standardized (uniform) without needing to change anything
Incomplete data
Invalid data
The need to combine data sources
Data can get too large for traditional data-processing applications
(ability to process data depends on the capabilities of the users and their tools)
Social media activity generates an enormous amount of data and uses a data processing application
Too large to examine in hand in real-time
bias is often created by the types and sources of data being collected.
not eliminated by simply collecting more data since a large amount of data collected by humans will always reflect this bias
A large sample can magnify the bias associated with the data being used - can have little value if the sample is not representative of the population to which the results will be generalized
PRedicting algorithms
Use info collected from big data to influence our daily lives
A credit card company can use purchasing patterns to identify when to extend or flag a purchase for possible fraud
Social media sites can use patterns to target advertising based on viewing habits
Visualization of Data
Using appropriate visualizations when presenting digitally processed data can help one gain insight and knowledge
Data can lose their value if they cannot be presented in a way that can be interpreted
Can communicate info about data & make more complex data easier to interperet
Collum charts
Line graphs
Pie charts
XY charts
Radar charts
waterfall charts
this company notices that greater users =- more profit so they can spend more of their resources on advertisements and attracting more users
Predicting trends is not a guarrantee of future usage
(dangeruous to solely make decisions on good data rather than all data)
Use historical data to predict future events
Used to build a mathematical model that encompasses trends
This is used on current data to make predictions
Privacy Concerns
Arise through mass collection of data
May contain personal info
Can affect choice in storage and transmitting
Anything done online likely leads to the sharing of priv data
(trade off for the convenience of online shopping is the risk of violating privacy)
data that describes data
Pic of dog is data
Filename, author, location, and time taken of this pic is metadata
Used for finding, roganizing, and managing info
Can Increase effective use of data by providing addition info ab varius aspects
Do not change primary data
BIG IDEA 3: Algorithms and Programming
Way to represent essential features without including the background details or explanations
Reduce complexity
Allow for efficient design
& implementation of complex systems
GUI is an example of abstraction
Math OPerators
Modulus Notes
If the dividend is a multiple of the divisor, then the return val is 0
If the dividend is smaller than the divisor, then the return val is the dividend itself
If teh divisor is 0, an ERROR is thrown
If 0 is the dividend, the return val is 0
Example of data abstraction
Relational and Bool Operators
Linear search (sequential search)
Finds an element in sorted or unsorted list
Sequentially checks EVERY element in the list
Binary Search
Finds element in a SORTED list
Halves the num of elements that need to be searched after comparing the desired val to the middle point.
If they are unequal, then the half in which the target cannot be is eliminated
BIG IDEA 4: Computer systems and Networks
Computing Devices
A computing device is a physical artifact that can run a program
Smart sensors
Must be able to take inputs > process such inputs > calculate results based off such inputs
Not all computing devices are computers
Non-computer computing devices can be
Compuing system
Group of omcputing devices and programs working together
Ex: a computer network
A group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data
Autonomous Systems of the Internet
This reps a computer network
Each circ is one computer system
Larger circs have larger bandwiths
Maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time
A path between two computing devices is a sequence of directly connected computing devices
Rounding is the process of finding a path form center to receiver
If path is broken, then the path will be rerouted (fault tolerant nature)
Internet conmnects devices and networks from all over the world
physical network of fiber optics, radio transmitters, and cabling
Devices and networks that make up the internet are connected and communicate using standardized, open communication protocols
An agreed-upon set of rules that specify the behavior of a system
These protocols have allowed for the internet to be scalable and meet new demands
Internet Protocol
Responsible for addressing and routing your online requests
A device is first assigned an IP before connecting to the internet
We are switching between the 4th and 6th version of the protocol (IPv4 && IPv6)
IPv4 stores addresses in 32 bits, 2^32 combinations
IPv6 stores addresses in 128 bits, 2^128 combinations
Transmission Control Protocol
Protocol defines how computers send packets to each other.
Small chunks of data that are sent to other devices on a network (including the internet)
Guide the rules on how data are subdivided into small packets before transmission
User Datagram Protocol
Protocol that allows computer applications to send messages without checking fro missing packets
Saves time to retransmit missing packets
Not as reliable as TCP
Fault Tolerance
When a system can support failures and continue to func
The internet is designed to be fault tolerant
If one sys fails, a diff path can be chosen when routing
Inclusion of extra paths that can mitigate the failure of a system if other components
End-to-end architecture
The breaking down and assembly of packets at each end
The middle is hidden by abstraction
There are a multitude of paths that packets can take to travel between D (sender) and k(reciever)
Since there are multiple paths, packets are likely to arrive at the receiver out of order
If packets are not received, TCP will request the sender to resent the pissing packet
The IP of the send. And reciv. Are both in the header of the packet
When all packets are received, then the message will be reconstructed using their order found in the header
Difference between internet and world wide web
Internet refers to the hardware
Made up of computers, cables, routers, etc.
Glo0abl decentralized network that connects millions of computers
WWW refers to the software on the internet
HTTP is a protocol used by WWW to transmit data
Internet allows access to the WWW which is a system of linked pages, programs, and files
Efficiency of Solutions
Sequential computing
Computational model in which operations are performed in order, one at a time
Takes as long as the sum of all the steps
Parallle Computing
Involves breaking up a task into smaller, sequential pieces
These are then executed at the same time
Each on its own processor or on a set of computers that have been networked together
Takes AT LEAST as long as the longest branch in the prog
Sequential Computing
Problem broken into discrete instructures
Executed one by one by a single computing device
Having a sing CPU
Parallel Computing
Problem broken into discrete instructions
Executed concurrently by using multiple CPU
Takes as long as the longest task
Consist of a parallel portion and a sequential portion
A parallel computing solution takes as long as its sequential tasks + the long of its parallel tasks
2+1+4+3+1 = 11 secs tot
Why is Parallel COmputing used?
Needed fro real world sims and modeling
Manyu things happen at the same time in the real world
Weather forecasting
Flight simulators
Car crash modeling
Measured in the time to complete the task sequentially divided by the time to complete the task when done in parallel
SPEEDUP = (sequential run time)/(Parallel run time)
Efficiency is still limited by the sequential portion
Means that, at a certain point, parallel computing will not meaningfully increase efficientcy
Multiple processors can operate independently but share the same memory resources
Distributed Computing
Computational model in which multiple devices are used to run a program
Many problems are too large and complex to be solved on a single computer
Bcz of processing time or storage
BIG IDEA 5. Impact of Computing
The world wide web
Use of the internet and WW are changing all the time
Have forever changed how we do business and how people einteract
Both positive and negative effects of the internet
Digital divide
Differences in acces to technology
Including access to comps and internet
Variables that affect digitale divide:
Infrastructure: some parts of the world do not have access to the internet
Education: a person could have access to the internet but not have the education ot use it
Indifferent: a person could have access to the internet but choose not to use it
Cost: the cost of accessing the internet can be unafforadable
Efforts are being made to reduce the digital divide
Google Project Loon uses balloons at the edge of space to provide infrastructure to to places around the world without internet access
Ethical concern
Official government policy is being announced on the internet,
Poepl without internet acces remain in the dark
Beneficial and harmful effects
Computing inncovations can have both beneifical and harmful effect on Societies, Cultures, economies
An impact, result or outcome
Beneficial results are contextual and terpertive
Identification includes both the classification of the effect as either beneficial or harmful and justification for that classification
An impact beyond their intended purpose
Computing algorithms can have unintended impacts
Internet’s original purpose was to be used exclusively by academic, government, and scientific communities. 🥶🥶🥶🥶
Innovations have changes way people do tasks
Teachers no longer have to hand calc grades
Effects can be societal, economic, and cultural and can be connected to a group of individuals
The impact of social media online access varies in different countries and in diff socioeconomic groups
Mobile, wireless and networked computing have an impact on innovation throughout the world
The global distribution of computing resources raises issues of equity, access and power
Groups and individuals are affected by the digital divide
Networks adn infrastructure are supported by both commercial and governmental initiatives
People create computing innovations and cannot possible consider all possible uses of their innovation
Rapid sharing of a programme with many usrs can result in significatn impacts beyondthe intended purpose
Control over the information of a large group is hard to police
Human Bias
Computi9ng information reflect existing human bias
Algorithms are helping people make their decisions that can have extreme ramifications
Programmers should take action to reduce bias at all levels of development
Practice of obtaining input or information from many people via the internet
Accuracy of answers will vary
Offerns new models for connecting business with funding
Ubr connects drivers with people who need rides
Can connect social causes with funding
A site funds a robotics team
Easy to post false causes
Citizen science
Scientific research using public participation in scientific research
Conducted in whole or by part of individuals
Many may or may not be scientists
Contribute relavent data to research using their own computing devices
Data collected is not always technical
Legal and Ethical Concerns
Material created on a computer is the intellectual property of the creator or organization
Ease of access and distribution of digitized information raises intellectual property concerns regarding ownership value, And use.
Algorithms on legitimate sharing sites have an obligation to safeguard intellectual property and remind the illegally shared content from their site
Use of material created by someone else without permission and presented as one’s own
Doing this with code can have legal consequences
Napster did not have intellectual property and were closed and heavily fined
Situations in which materials created by someone else can be used legally
Creative Commons
an American nonprofit dedicated to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon and share legally
Allows for free distribution of copyrighted work
Gies people theright to USE, SHARE, AND BUILD UPON, an authors work
Allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve and whcih rights they waive for ht ebenefits of recipients or other creators
Can vary from letting others copy, distribute, display and perform only original copies of work while not allowing modification without the authors’ permission to allowing for modification if credit is given to the author
Common in education
Where teachers share their lessons for students
Not used when seeking profit
Can bring recognition to author which could result in a profit
Open source are programs that are made freely available and may be redistributed and modified
Open access is online research output free of all restrictions on access and free of many restrictions on use
Suhc as copyright or liscence restrictions
Malicious information can disguise itself as legitimate info, making it hard to figure out what is real
Raises legal and ethical concernse
Computing innovations taht have raised legal and ethical concerns include
Developmenet of software that allows access to digital media downloads and streaming
Alogirhtms that include bias
Existence of computing devices that collect and analyze data by continuously monitoring activities
Safe Computing
Security is needed to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of info
Protects data from cuner attacks and hacking
Privacy is the right to control data generated by one’s usage of computing innovation and restrict the flow of that data to third parties
Privacy and sec are concerns with any internet interaction
Personally identifiable information
Information about an indvudial that identifies, links, relates, or describes that person
Ss number
Phone number
Med info
Financial info
Biometric data
Can be processed and analyzed
Gain insight on how to interact with customers
PII is sold to targeted advertisers
Ethical concerns about how companies handle the sensitive info of their customers
Once info is online, it becomes difficult to delete
Technology enables the collection, use, and exploitation of information about, by and for individuals, groups, and instructions.
Search engines can record and maintain a history of searches made by users
Websites can record and maintain a history of individuals who have viewed their pages
Devices, websites, adn networks can collect info ab a user’s loc
Metadata can reduce privacy of the user if rapidly shared
Multifactor authentication
Method of computer access control in which a user is granted access only after suicccessfulyy presenting several pieces of the following 2 categories
Knowledge: smth that the user knows
Possession: smth that the user has
Inherence: smth the user is
Requires at least 2 steps
Each step adds a layer of security
Digital certificate authorities issue digital certificates that validate the ownership of encryption keys used in secure communications and are based on a trust model
Uses cryptographic algorithms to encrypt data
Process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access
The process of decoding the data
Symmetric key encryption
Uses the same key for both encryption and decrypotion
Relies on bith sides keeping the key a secret
Public Key Encryption
Uses two keys
One private
Used for decryption
One public
Anyone with the public key can encrypt data
Malicious software intended to damage a computing system or take partial control of its operations
Spread over..
Instant messages
Social media
Used as cyber weapons
Searched for outdated software with unpaatched sec flaws that can be exploited to compromise those systems
Real world systems have errors or design flaws that can be exploited
Computer Viruses
Malicious programs taht can copy temselves and gain access to computer in an unauthorized way
Viruses often perform some type of harmful activity on infected host computers
Attach themselves to legitimate programs and start running independently on a computer
Can alter the way computer operates or stop it from working entirety
Technique that directs users to unrelated sites that trick the user into giving personal data
Pose as legitimate sources
Acces sensitive online information
Often update their tactics, so they can be hard to identify
Commonly involves a malicious link that prompts to download a malware or other harmful things
Use of a program to record every keystroke on a computer in order to gain fraudulent access to pwd
Can be hardware
Installed inbetween the keys and keyboard
Cannot be detected by software
Rogue Access Point
Wireless Point on a public network in which data can be intercepted, analyzed, and modified unauthorized by a secure network