Key Concepts in Assignment Development

Entity-Relationship Model

  • Understanding how to design the database schema for assignments.
  • Entity, Relationship, Attributes, and Foreign Keys are essential terms.


  • Building APIs to create, read, update, and delete assignments.
  • Learning about HTTP methods, endpoints, and request/response formats.

Spring Framework

  • Utilizing Spring for building robust and maintainable applications.
  • Key components include Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and Spring MVC.

Database Interactions

  • Storing and retrieving assignment data in a relational database.
  • Key terms: JPA, SQL queries, Hibernate.

Data Validation

  • Implementing validation rules for assignment data to ensure data integrity.
  • Concepts like validation annotations, error handling, and exception handling.


  • Ensuring secure access to assignment data and APIs.
  • Key terms: authentication, authorization, and encryption.

Version Control (Git)

  • Managing code changes efficiently using Git for collaboration.
  • Learning about commits, branches, and pull requests.


  • Writing tests to verify the correctness of assignment-related code.
  • Concepts include unit testing, integration testing, and test frameworks.


  • Creating clear and comprehensive documentation for assignments.
  • Understanding the importance of API documentation, readme files, and code comments.


  • Using GitHub for version control and collaboration.
  • Concepts such as repositories, forks, and merge requests are important.

Continuous Integration (CI)

  • Implementing CI pipelines for automated testing and deployment.
  • Key terms: Travis CI, Jenkins, and Docker.