FRQ Type No 1

FRQ Type No 2

  • Vishnu’s Presentation
    • Need to know: 2d array

FRQ Type: Methods & Control Structures

  • Need to know: OOP, APIE, declaring & instantiation of objects
  • Paraas’s FRQ: 2023 No 1.
    • Go through a table and find a free space and make an appointment
    • Started by looping through the table, then calculates the duration
    • Ran the code himself
    • CB was more concise and the variable & class structure was more efficient
    • .9/1

FRQ Type: Classes

  • Need to know: Classes & objecs, instance variables, static variables, inheritance
  • Yuri’s FRQ: 2022 No. 2
    • Created subclasses & classes
    • CB requires integer addition and some topics besides classes
    • .9/1

FRQ Type: 2D arrays

  • Need to know: Iteration, indexes, array manipulation.
  • Tanay’s FRQ: 2023 No 1a)
    • 2D arrays can represent a grid and its important to be able to manipulate and iterate through them
    • .9/1

FRQ Type: Arrays

  • Need to Know:

The difference between you mom and my dad is that my