Panel Members

  • Collin: Mechanical Engnineering and CS @ UCSD
  • Tristan: Computer Science @ Miramar, Currently has a job @ LG
  • Mabel: CS @ UCSD
  • Anthony: Computer Science/Quantative Economics @ UCI
    • Worked at CodeNinjas
    • Summer Internship at Viasat


  1. Prioritize AP CS courses like CSP and CSA for a solid start in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Data Science, Information Science, or Computer Engineering majors.
  2. Given the competitive nature of computer science admissions, it’s advisable to cast a wide net when applying to colleges. UCSD, for instance, also operates on a lottery system for admission.
  3. Showcase your coding and programming involvement through extracurricular activities. Teaching roles, as exemplified by Anthony’s stint at CodeNinjas, signal a deeper understanding.
  4. Set yourself apart with personal coding projects. Tristan’s extensive project portfolio not only helped him secure an internship but also paved the way for a full-time position at LG.
  5. Cold outreach to potential employers through calls and emails can open doors to internship opportunities.
  6. Explore resources like the SDSC Center for Machine Learning to enhance your knowledge.
  7. Highlight your proficiency with specific tools, including deployment tools like Vercel and SvelteKit (similar to React), to attract employers.
  8. Develop a professional online presence through a personal website. This platform effectively communicates your experiences, projects, and areas of expertise to both employers and peers.


This panel helped me to understand the broader perspective on pursuing a career in computer science. These professionals underscored the importance of rigorous preparation, such as taking CSP and CSA courses. They also highlighted the competitive nature of the field, emphasizing the need to explore various college options. In terms of extracurricular activities, involvement in coding and teaching roles was deemed advantageous. Building personal projects and a strong online presence through a personal website emerged as crucial steps in standing out to potential employers. Additionally, the panel emphasized the value of proactive outreach to secure internships and highlighted the significance of mastering relevant tools and deployment platforms. These overarching insights provide valuable guidance for navigating the path to a successful career in computer science. I’m glad to hear that a few of the things they mentioned are activates that I am already taking part in: teaching software in robotics, participating in CS-related internships, and having a personal website. I’m excited to continue my journey in the world of computer sciences in high school and beyond.