Vardaan and I chose to go with Option 2: Combine all the concepts into something unique and you feel is awesome.


We plan to utilize JS to assist users with making financial decisions, the main focus being on stock prices.


We wanted to make a tool that would be relevant to modern money-making and would be something that many users, especially those new to stocks, make decisions on when to buy or sell a particular stock.


  1. The base of our tool will be an API with financial data. This data will include dates and times with the corresponding stock prices of hundreds of stocks.
  2. The user will be asked to input a particular date.
  3. Our program will utilize JavaScript to take this input and run a linear regression model to output the predicted stock price.


  • 9/4:
    1. Send the plan to Mr. Mortensen and receive feedback.
    1. Find an API that includes all the data necessary for the tool.
  • 9/5:
      1. Work on the JavaScript of the tool. This includes creating a user input, connecting the API to the output, and formulating the regression model.
      1. Finalize what exactly we are going to go over during the three minutes of presenting.
      1. Review code with ChatGPT, find any ways to implement code abstraction and output this on pair showcase page.
      1. Build a review ticket.

Learning Plan


  1. Spritesheets: Learn how to use spritesheets for animations.
  2. HTML Layout: Create a basic HTML structure for animation.


  1. JavaScript Setup: Set up canvas and constants in JavaScript.
  2. OOP Basics: Understand Object-Oriented Programming for animation.


  1. Animation Logic: Study how animation sequencing works.
  2. Update Method: Analyze the update method for frame control.


  1. User Interaction: Explore responsive animations with event listeners.
  2. Method Calls: Understand how class methods drive animation.