Refactor Project Structure

  • Process: Rearrange directories for improved organization.
    • Action: Create separate folders for CSS, images, and other assets.
    • Benefit: Easier maintenance and clear separation of resources.

Optimize for Mobile

  • Process: Ensure responsive design for mobile devices.
    • Action: Use media queries to adapt styling to different screen sizes.
    • Benefit: Improved user experience on various devices.

Customize Typography

  • Process: Modify fonts and typography to match desired style.
    • Action: Use font-family and font-size properties in CSS.
    • Benefit: Consistent and visually appealing text presentation.


Dealing with Style Overrides

  • Issue: Custom styles not appearing as expected due to theme styles.
    • Solution: Use more specific CSS selectors or increase selector specificity.
    • Action: Inspect elements using browser developer tools to identify conflicting styles.
    • Benefit: Ensures custom styles take precedence over theme defaults.