Answer table
Comment on this blog post to submit your hacks.
Fill out the table with your full name and the LETTER of each answer for every question. In order to receive any credit you must fill out the answer table according to the directions! Each question is worth .1 points. To get >0.9/1 you can show your understanding in the area labeled extra.
Question | Answer |
Name(First+Last) | Rohin Sood |
1 | B |
2 | C |
3 | C |
4 | A |
5 | B |
6 | B |
Show your understanding. You could make a simple simulation, define vocab, etc.
Boyle's law Visualization (P1V1=P2V2)
The javascript code simulates 10 gas particles colliding with the border of its container with altering pressures and values according to Boyle's law
# of Border Collisions:
let container = document.getElementById("container") let pressure = document.getElementById("pressure") let volume = document.getElementById("volume") let collisions = document.getElementById("volume") let context = container.getContext("2d") let borderCollisions = 0 let scaling = 200 let particles = [], radius = 5, boundaryX = 200, boundaryY = 200, numberOfParticles = 10 init() volume.oninput = () => { calculatePressure() } pressure.oninput = () => { calculateVolume() } // calculate the new volume & scale function calculateVolume() { let newVolume = (50 * 50) / pressure.value volume.value = newVolume scale() } // calculate the new pressure & scale function calculatePressure() { let newPressure = (50 * 50) / volume.value pressure.value = newPressure scale() } // find the scale factor & set the values function scale() { scaling = 200*volume.value/50 context.clearRect(0, 0, 200, 200) container.width = scaling container.height = scaling boundaryX = scaling boundaryY = scaling } function init() { for (let i = 0; i < numberOfParticles; i++) { createParticle() } animate() } function createParticle() { let particle = {}, vx2, vy2 particle.x = Math.random() * boundaryX particle.y = Math.random() * boundaryY particle.vx = 4 * Math.random() particle.vy = 4 * Math.random() particles.push(particle) } function drawParticle(x, y) { context.beginPath() context.arc(x, y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false) context.fillStyle = 'red' context.fill() } function resetVelocity(particle, axis) { // invert x or y velocity if (axis == 'x') { particle.vx = -1 * particle.vx } else { particle.vy = -1 * particle.vy } borderCollisions++ } function draw() { for (let i = 0, l = particles.length; i < l; i++) { let particle = particles[i] // change particle position particle.x += particle.vx particle.y += particle.vy drawParticle(particle.x, particle.y) // reset velocity in the instance of a boundary contact if (particle.x < 0 + radius) { resetVelocity(particle, 'x') } else if (particle.x > boundaryX - radius) { resetVelocity(particle, 'x') } else if (particle.y < 0 + radius) { resetVelocity(particle, 'y') } else if (particle.y > boundaryY - radius) { resetVelocity(particle, 'y') } } } function animate() { context.clearRect(0, 0, scaling, scaling) draw() requestAnimationFrame(animate) } function update() { document.getElementById("pressure-header").innerHTML = "P1=50 | P2=" + pressure.value document.getElementById("volume-header").innerHTML = "V1=50 | V2=" + volume.value document.getElementById("collisions").innerHTML = "# of Border Collisions: " + borderCollisions } setInterval(update, 500)