2D Programming and Resources
There are lots of applications for 2D data. Common terms in 2D are tabular data, row/columns, matrix, etc. Nested iterative loops are often used to find or discover each cell in a 2D array.
- 2D samples and challenges in Jupyter. wget link:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nighthawkcoders/APCSP/master/_notebooks/2023-05-16-DS-arrays_lab.ipynb- Mario animations in JS, these are markdown code examples.
- Assets metadata yml, wget and place in _data directory; sprite, download and place in images directory
- Code to interact with Sprite Animations runtime, wget code
- Game starters runtime, wget imperative code, wget oop code
* Creator: Nighthawk Coding Society
2D arrays
# Classic nested loops using ij indexes, this shows 2 dimensions
def print_matrix1(matrix):
print("Classic nested loops using ij indexes")
for i in range(len(matrix)): # outer loop (i), built on length of matrix (rows)
for j in range(len(matrix[i])): # inner loop (j), built on length of items (columns)
print(matrix[i][j], end=" ") # [i][j] is 2D representation, end changes newline to space
# Enhanced nested for loops, row and col variables
def print_matrix2(matrix):
print("Enhanced nested for loops")
for row in matrix: # short hand row iterator, index is not required
for col in row: # short hand column iterator
print(col, end=" ")
# For loop with shortcut (*) row expansion
def print_matrix3(matrix):
print("For loop with shortcut (*) row expansion")
for row in matrix:
print(*row) # pythons has (*) that is one line expansion of row into columns
def print_matrix4(matrix):
print("For loop with shortcut (*) row expansion")
for row in matrix:
print(*row) # pythons has (*) that is one line expansion of row into columns
def test_matrices():
# setup some text matrices
keypad = [[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9],
[" ", 0, " "]]
keyboard = [["`", 1, " ", 2, " ",3, " ", 4, " ", 5, " ", 6, " ", 7, " ", 8, " ", 9, " ", 0, " ", "-"," ", "="],
[" ", " ", "Q", " ", "W", " ", "E", " ", "R", " ", "T", " ", "Y", " ", "U", " ", "I", " ", " ", "O", " ", "P", " ", "[", " ", "]", " ", "\\"],
[" ", " ", " ", "A", " ", "S", " ", "D", " ", "F", " ", "G", " ", "H", " ", "J", " ", "K", " ", "L", " ", ";", " ", "'"],
[" ", " ", " ", " ", "Z", " ", "X", " ", "C", " ", "V", " ", "B", " ", "N", " ", "M", " ", ",", " ", ".", " ", "/"]]
numbers = [
[0, 1], # binary
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], # decimal
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"] # hexadecimal
tree = [
[" * "],
[" / \\ "],
[" / \\ "],
[" / \\ "],
[" /_______\\ "],
[" | "],
[" | "],
[" _|_|_ "],
[" _|_|_|_ "],
[" _|_____|_ "],
[" |_________| "]
# pack into a list of matrices with titles
matrices = [
["Keypad", keypad],
["Keyboard", keyboard],
["Number Systems", numbers],
["Tree", tree]
# loop 2D matrix with returning list in [key, value] arrangement
for title, matrix in matrices: # unpack title and matrix as variables
# formatted message with concatenation
print(title, len(matrix), "x", "~" + str(len(matrix[0])))
# use three different methods
# blank link in between
# tester section
if __name__ == "__main__":
JavaScript 2D array
Example below populate a 2D array. Key concepts are ij loop and assignments. Observe the object that is created in console. Learn the basics of iteration through 2D array in JavaScript.
- Candy challenge:Work of pairs. Create one of the Python examples (christmas tree, keyboard, ...). Use the element.append to output within the notebook. As you work on JavaScript make sure your development enviornment is setup like JavaScript programmer.
* Creator: Nighthawk Coding Society
Construct a two-dimensional array in JS
var arr2D = [
[" * "],
[" / \\ "],
[" / \\ "],
[" / \\ "],
[" /_______\\ "],
[" | "],
[" | "],
[" _|_|_ "],
[" _|_|_|_ "],
[" _|_____|_ "],
[" |_________| "]
var rows = 11;
var cols = 1;
// Loop to initialize 2D array elements
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
element.append("<plaintext>" + arr2D[i][j] + " ")
* Creator: Nighthawk Coding Society
* Mini Lab Name: Hello Series, featuring Monkey Jumpers Poem
import time # used for delay
from IPython.display import clear_output # jupyter specific clear
def main():
# ANSI Color Codes
Red = "\u001b[31m"
Green = "\u001b[32m"
Yellow = "\u001b[33m"
Blue = "\u001b[34m"
Magenta = "\u001b[35m"
""" 2D array data assignment """
monkeys = [
"ʕง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ʔ ", # [0][0] eyes
" \\_⏄_/ ", # [0][1] chin
" --0-- ", # [0][2] body
" ⎛ ⎞ " # [0][3] legs
" ʕ༼ ◕_◕ ༽ʔ ", # [1][0]
" \\_⎏_/ ",
" ++1++ ",
" ⌋ ⌊ "
" ʕ(▀ ⍡ ▀)ʔ", # [2][0]
" \\_⎐_/ ",
" <-2-> ",
" 〈 〉 "
"ʕ ͡° ͜ʖ ° ͡ʔ", # [3][0]
" \\_⍾_/ ",
" ==3== ",
" _/ \\_ "
" (◕‿◕✿) ", # [4][0]
" \\_⍾_/ ", # [4][1]
" ==4== ", # [4][2]
" _/ \\_ " # [4][3]
""" 2D array program logic """
# cycles through 2D array backwards
for i in range(len(monkeys), -1, -1):
print("Nursery Rhyme") # identification message
# this print statement shows current count of Monkeys
# concatenation (+) of the loop variable and string to form a countdown message
print(str(i) + " little monkeys jumping on the bed...")
# cycle through monkeys that are left in poem countdown
for row in range(i - 1, -1, -1): # cycles through remaining monkeys in countdown
# cycles through monkey part by part
for col in range(len(monkeys[row])):
# prints specific part of the monkey from the 2D cell
print(monkeys[row][col] + " ")
# this new line gives separation between stanza of poem
print("\u001b[0m") # reset color
# out of all the loops, prints finishing messages
print("No more monkeys jumping on the bed")
print(" THE END ")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Animation, the Energetic versus Lazy Programmer methods
Animation is done like the old Disney films, lots of little images put togehter. In these examples we eliminate using a 2D array, but simulate int with a sequence of print statements.
- This 1st sequence is a lot of lines of code.
- The 2nd takes the lazy programmer method to do the same.
- Candy challenge:Make you own ASCII art animation.
import time
from IPython.display import clear_output
# Ship pattern
ship = [
" O",
" /|\\",
" / \\"
# Animation loop
for i in range(40):
for j in range(len(ship)):
ship[j] = " " + ship[j]
for line in ship:
* Creator: Nighthawk Coding Society
Sailing Ship Animation (programatic method)
import time # used for delay
from IPython.display import clear_output # jupyter specific clear
# ANSI Color Codes
OCEAN_COLOR = u"\u001B[34m\u001B[2D"
SHIP_COLOR = u"\u001B[35m\u001B[2D"
RESET_COLOR = u"\u001B[0m\u001B[2D"
def ship_print(position): # print ship with colors and leading spaces according to position
sp = " " * position
print(sp + " |\ ")
print(sp + " |/ ")
print(SHIP_COLOR, end="")
print(sp + "\__ |__/ ")
print(sp + " \____/ ")
print(OCEAN_COLOR + "--"*32 + RESET_COLOR)
def ship(): # ship function, loop/controller for animation speed and times
# loop control variables
start = 0 # start at zero
distance = 60 # how many times to repeat
step = 2 # count by 2
# loop purpose is to animate ship sailing
for position in range(start, distance):
ship_print(position) # call to function with parameter
ship() # activate/call ship function