Canvas Graph Generation

Drawing Lines


  • Process:
    • context.beginPath();
    • context.moveTo(x1, y1);
    • context.lineTo(x2, y2);
    • context.stroke();
  • Action: Draw a line between two points.
  • Benefit: Connect data points or create custom shapes.


Line Color

  • Process:
    • context.strokeStyle = color;
  • Action: Set the stroke color for lines.
  • Benefit: Customize the appearance of drawn lines.

Line Width

  • Process:
    • context.lineWidth = width;
  • Action: Set the width of lines.
  • Benefit: Adjust line thickness for emphasis.


Text Drawing

  • Process:
    • context.fillText(text, x, y);
  • Action: Draw text on the canvas.
  • Benefit: Label data points for clarity.

Font Styling

  • Process:
    • context.font = "fontStyle fontSize fontFamily";
  • Action: Set font style for text.
  • Benefit: Customize text appearance.



  • Process:
    • context.translate(x, y);
  • Action: Move the canvas origin.
  • Benefit: Adjust the position of drawn elements.


  • Process:
    • context.rotate(angle);
  • Action: Rotate canvas elements.
  • Benefit: Orient shapes and lines differently.